

I posted about my weigh-in a little bit ago. I think that my frustration translated into my usual lack of logic which is that "since I'm not succeeding with the weight loss, I should eat whatever the heck I want."

That would be called rebellion. Stupid-head, fat-inducing rebellion.

Yesterday's LUNCH, however, was delightful. Here's a picture on my newly acquired SQUARE plate. It was a whole dollar at the Dollar Tree. It just makes things look tastier, I think.

Tuesday's lunch involved the leftover chili with lots of sour cream and corn chips. I'm not proud of my lapses. I hope to get back on track with tonight's offering of Baked Chicken Nuggets (no liver will ever voluntarily cross my lips), and other healthy things. I've got the Coffee Delight chilling. Recipes will be posted in tomorrow's post so that I can give the lowdown on the TASTE.

The Fruit and Cheese Platter recipe in the book was pretty straightforward: Take a platter, add cut up fruit. Oh, and cheese.


Anonymous said...

I know you are trying to stick to the book but you might want to throw a complex carb in there to keep you feeling full longer.

Roxanne said...

I have modified a few things. I use the whole grains for the breads and the brown instead of white rice.

Sadly, it's not the diet--it's me. I keep ADDING things like sweet teas and M&Ms.

And pizza. Oy.

You said you lost 35 pounds. Have you been able to keep it off and not be lured to sample junk food on a regular basis?