
Penance and Restitution

I have fallen off of the wagon...right into a vat of sweet tea surrounded by chocolate.

It's time to regroup. Beginning this Monday, I will step back on the scale. After the echos of the weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth subside, I will record my numbers and begin again to pursue the vintage silhouette.

I thought there was another plan, but it was actually just one day of meals showing how to change things if the HUSBAND is "post-coronary." (Odd that it was so gender specific.) It discusses reducing the fat grams as well as the calories. Since that is the case, I will use the "Slimming Menus" with a few substitutions from the recipe choices in the back of the book and get them posted shortly. I will shop Monday morning for the vintage-style provisions.

After all tomorrow (or rather, Monday) is another day!

(Am I forgiven?)


A said...

Of course you're forgiven. Who could possibly resist a good chocolate?

Roxanne said...

Thank you.

I've decided to work the chocolate in as well as a "non-diet" day.

I think that will help me in my endeavor!