

We're back from our trip. Aside from a majorly swollen eye (mosquito situation), we had a great time.

I did miss the internet, though.

Speaking of the internet, I had a moment of revelation. BECAUSE we had no TV, no internet, etc., I discovered that I ate less. I could tell when I was finished. No distraction.

We eat breakfast together as a family daily because my son is an early riser. Since he's an early riser, he's asleep by the time my husband gets home from work in the evenings. Our evening pattern has been the same for nearly 24 years of marriage: we eat supper in front of the TV. We both like to do that. It's a familiar part of our routine.

It also keeps me from hearing my internal bell telling me that I'm full!

I'm going to take the next four days to regroup from the trip, get things in order and attend to the weekend's celebrations. After that, I will have new menus up for Monday.

I think I'm going to attempt to change our usual way of doing things by having ONE evening meal at the dinner table instead of in front of the TV. Baby steps, you know.

I'm going to weigh myself in the morning, just out of curiosity. I ate less on the trip and we hiked all over Kingdom Come. PERHAPS I will have good news from my scale.


A said...

Sounds like a fabulous vacation. Sorry about the mosquito bite. In MN, we have a ton so I completely understand.

As to eating at the table vs in front of tv, I have been trying to get my husband to do the same thing. No luck unfortunately :(

Roxanne said...

My husband is FOR this change...in theory. We've tried it before and it hasn't been as much fun as watching TV LOL!

That's why I'm doing just ONE night. We'll adjust and see if we can up it to two in the near future.

50sgal said...

Isn't it funny when 'modern' distraction goes mindless eating goes with it? That is one thing that I noticed. I really think the obesity problem probably really started in the 50s with tv. There were 'fat little kids' then and yet in the depression through the war, I am sure only the most wealthy and spoiled child could even have the opportunity to become fat. With our ease and labor saving devices come the abuse of our bodies. I know, I feel it to. I need to lose so much weight, but I realize, since 1955 and no modern magazines, tv or movies, I don't think about my body image in the same way any longer. It is amzaing how scary and really negative is the modern body image message given to us daily through tv, internet, movies, ads, etc. Good luck and keep it up, you can do it!

Roxanne said...

50sGal--thanks for the encouragement.

I really need to deal with the "eating while watching TV" issue.

Tonight (Friday) we'll be eating at the dining table. After a few weeks of one night, I'm going to try to add another.

My husband is on board with this. I think that I'M the one who is going to have more difficulty!