
Emotional Eating and the Weight of Others

The last three days I have undergone a type of surgery. I have parted ways with a "friend." This friend has been an emotional burden for some time. In many ways she was a bit of a bully. I finally decided I had had enough and cut the strings.

I discovered that calling her an emotional "burden" is an interesting choice of words. Something is a burden because it is weighty. It is heavy. It loads one down. All words that also apply to extra weight literally carried on our bodies.

I'm not saying that she is the CAUSE of my weight gain. (That would be my willingness to open my mouth and shovel in high-calorie foods!) BUT, I would definitely reach for food as comfort when I felt particularly stressed by circumstances in my life...and after an altercation with this woman.

I didn't realize the heaviness I felt because of her until I finally called it quits yesterday morning. Since then I have felt light and airy and FREE! I suspect that my weight loss efforts just might have better results now. Sometimes it's important to let go of the emotional dead weight in one's life so that the body fat can go as well.

I finished my menus and will be going grocery shopping shortly. All menus are from my 1955 Good Housekeeping Cookbook. I will post them on the sidebar again as that is a visual help for me. Perhaps it might inspire a luncheon or dinner for you as well!

(On a side not, my husband called just now. On his way to work he stopped at a yard sale and found a yellow Princess phone that will be added to my 60s basement area that I'm attempting to create. Fun!)


Jitterbug said...

Parting with a friend is never fun, though sometimes good for you. I know what it's like to eat whenever you're stressed! Best of luck in the week ahead!!!

Packrat said...

Congratulations on being brave and strong! Good luck with your weight loss.

A yellow princess phone? How lucky can you get? :)

I'm going to find my copy of this cookbook right now. Thanks for the reminder.