

This is getting ridiculous. There is NO reason that I should be "falling off the wagon" so consistently. Heck, if I were as consistent about eating properly as I am about eating badly...

I have relatives coming in for the weekend. They'll be here Thursday through Monday. I've planned to be out being the tour guide for 3 of those days. That, of course, doesn't mean I should indulge as I've been known to do, even though we'll be "agri-touring" our way through the state.

I've posted my menus through next Thursday on the side bar. I'm excited about the vintage meals. So is my son. He's especially excited about the Banana Split Salad. I read the ingredients to him and you would have thought I really WAS talking about a banana split. He's seven. What does he know?

I've actually GAINED back the pounds I've lost (hangs head in shame). So, we're at first base yet again.

I've been faithful with my lawn-mowing exercise routine, though. I don't look any different, but the lawn looks great!


Packrat said...

Sigh. I feel for you. I'm in the same boat.

Packrat said...

PS Have a great time with your company.

Roxanne said...

Packrat--It really is the pits, isn't it? I'M the one who has complete control over what goes into my mouth, and yet I keep giving in to the spoiled brat in me.

Having meals planned is helpful, though. I'm not tempted to run up to McD's or dive into a BIG bag of M&Ms when I have tasty creations to look forward to.

I'm off to start the prep for today's meal.